How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System? [Infographic]

We’ve covered how to pass a drug test for marijuana before. But, how long does marijuana stay in your system is the most frequently asked question that we receive. While there is no definitive answer, we have presented some guidelines.The data used to create this infographic is gathered from research on drug testing methods and the information presented by drug screen manufacturers. Some resources include Redwood ToxicologyCannabis Drug TestingCalifornia NORML.

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Nevada Legislators Want Cannabis DUIs Determined Solely by Blood Test

Cops around the country are having a hard time figuring out if drivers are stoned. With drunk driving, a breathalyzer test can easily alert officers to heightened blood-alcohol content levels, but with weed, which stays in the body for up to a month, it’s damn-near impossible to determine if a driver lit up 10 minutes or 10 days before getting behind the wheel.

Now, according to U.S. News, legislators in Nevada are trying their hardest to eliminate the DUI confusion and standardize the procedure for stopping stoned drivers.

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Study: Marijuana may be able to improve memory

(courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Although the stereotype of the forgetful stoner persists, a new scientific study suggests that marijuana might actually help retain memories.
In a study published Monday in Nature Medicine, researchers from the University of Bonn, Germany found that marijuana’s psychoactive compound THC significantly benefits mature mice by improving cognitive functions such as memory, reports Newsweek.
Scientists studied the effects of THC by administering small doses to mice at three different life stages, with the latter two groups representing mature and old age.

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