9 Best Myrcene Weed Strains for Fruity Flavours

What do Northern Lights, AK-47, and Skunk #1 all have in common? They’re all heavy in myrcene! This terpene is beloved by many for its earthy peppery taste that might remind one of lemongrass or hops. By far the most common terpene, any smoker can certainly recognize this flavour. Check out our list of the best myrcene strains for any grower.

What is myrcene?

Myrcene is the most common terpene in cannabis and gives plants a spicy citrusy flavor. On average, myrcene makes up more than 20% of the terpenes found in most commercial cannabis strains.

What does myrcene smell like?

Myrcene has a sweet and spicy scent and taste that some claim reminds them of a mango. This terpene is also commonly found in is also found in cardamom, basil, lemongrass, and hops, which can account for the earthy, peppery taste in some beers.

What are the effects of myrcene?

Myrcene has some of the most consistent effects of many terpenes. Strains high in it tend to produce a heavy “couch-lock” effect, making them ideal for relaxing or getting some much-needed sleep.

What are the best myrcene strains?

Like anything else, this is a matter of taste. But, since…

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