7 Best Terpinolene Weed Strains for Fruity Flavours

One of the rarest terpenes across the cannabis spectrum, terpinolene is rarely the dominant factor in a strain’s flavour profile. But some classic strains like Durban Poison or Jack Herer are actually fairly heavy in the compound. These strains have complex flavours with hints of earthy herbs and light citrus. Want to try one for yourself? Here are our picks.

What is terpinolene?

Tarpaulin might be the least common terpene found in cannabis plants. In fact, only about 1 in 10 weed strains are terpinolene-dominant; but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to find. Many of the most well-known strains have at least a degree of terpinolene in them and there are even a few out there that have it in high quantities.

What does terpinolene smell like?

Unlike some terpenes that have a single defining taste (limonene? Smells like lemons. Pinene? You guessed it), terpinolene has a fairly complex flavour profile. These strains are known for a fruity, herbal, earthy, and even a little citrus taste.

What are the best terpinolene strains?

Terpinolene-dominant strains are rare but many strains also feature it in larger amounts. Here’s our list of the best…

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