What is a weed hangover & is it real?

There is a huge controversy surrounding the weed hangover and whether or not it is real. Surely, the only people who say a weed hangover isn’t a real thing are those who have just become completely accustomed to it! Want to learn what the symptoms are and how to deal with them? You can learn how in this article.

A weed hangover? But hangovers are the entire reason I stopped drinking! Well, marijuana isn’t an exception to the rule by any means. Overdoing it can absolutely result in a weed hangover, otherwise known as a stone-over. Some stoners don’t think it’s a real thing, but I suspect that’s just because they’ve become used to the symptoms of a weed hangover.

In any case, there are actually studies about this. Yes – there are crazy scientists out there who want to know the truth about the residual effect of using cannabis. So, it’s time to set some things straight. There is definitely such a thing as a weed hangover, and here are some signs that you’re experiencing it!

So, the weed hangover, what is it exactly?

The research on weed hangovers

What we can observe from the very little research…

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