What can twitter reveal about people with ADHD?

In a Twitter-based study, Penn researchers found that people with ADHD tended to post messages related to lack of focus, self-regulation, intention and failure, as well as expressions of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. They often used words like those in the word cloud above more frequently than the control group and often posted during hours of the day when the majority of people sleep, from midnight to 6 a.m. Credit: University of Pennsylvania

What can Twitter reveal about people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD? Quite a bit about what life is like for someone with the condition, according to findings published by University of Pennsylvania researchers Sharath Chandra Guntuku and Lyle Ungar in the Journal of Attention Disorders. Twitter data might also provide clues to help facilitate more effective treatments.

“On social media, where you can post your mental state freely, you get a lot of…

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