Half of dentists say patients are high at dental appointments

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As personal and medical marijuana use increases nationwide, the American Dental Association (ADA) suggests patients refrain from using marijuana before dental visits after a new survey finds more than half of dentists (52%) reported patients arriving for appointments high on marijuana or another drug.

Currently, recreational marijuana use is legal in 19 states and the District of Columbia, with five more states voting on ballot measures Nov. 8. Medicinal use is legal in 37 states and the District of Columbia.

“When talking through health histories, more patients tell me they use marijuana regularly because it is now legal,” says ADA spokesperson Dr. Tricia Quartey, a dentist in New York. “Unfortunately, sometimes having marijuana in your system results in needing an additional visit.”

That’s because being high at the dentist can limit the care that can be delivered. The survey of dentists found 56% reported limiting…

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