Kratom in the US: Regulations, Controversies & Future Prospects

Kratom is a plant that is native to Southeast Asia whose leaves have become a hot commodity. It has been used for centuries in traditional societies for a variety of purposes, including for rituals and socializing, to aid in relaxation, and to enhance productivity. In recent years, Kratom has become increasingly popular in the United States as part of the herbal and natural products boom.

However, Kratom is also a controversial and stigmatized substance. Some people believe that it is safe and effective, while others believe that it is addictive and dangerous. As a result, there is currently a lot of debate about how Kratom should be regulated.

In this blog post, we will discuss the current state of Kratom regulation in the United States. We will also explore the history of US Kratom laws, and we will discuss the arguments for and against regulating Kratom.

At the federal level, Kratom is currently not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means that Kratom is not approved for any medical use, and it is not subject to the same safety and quality standards as other over-the-counter or prescription medications.

Current State of Kratom…

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About The Weed Blog

Since its inception, TWB has been based in activism and the mobilization and movements for marijuana policy reform happening around the country. It was created for one purpose: to facilitate a constructive conversation about marijuana in America. This includes both medical and recreational marijuana policy, as well as the marijuana industry and culture.

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