USC researchers found that injection drug users from younger generations are more likely than older users to have tried heroin or opiates as their first drug. People who abuse opioids are believed to slide more quickly into injection drug abuse than other drug users, so researchers believe that without intervention, today's opioid epidemic will lead to growing injection drug abuse among the young.

Prescription opioid epidemic may be increasing drug injection

USC researchers found that injection drug users from younger generations are more likely than older users to have tried heroin or opiates as their first drug. People who abuse opioids are believed to slide more quickly into injection drug abuse than other drug users, so researchers believe that without intervention, today’s opioid epidemic will lead to growing injection drug abuse among the young. Credit: USC

The prescription opioid epidemic is shrinking the time it used to take drug users to progress to drug injection, a new Keck School of Medicine of USC-led study suggests.

The study may predict the next national public health threat related to prescription painkiller abuse, said Ricky Bluthenthal, lead author of the study and a professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine.

“The prescription opioid epidemic is creating a heroin epidemic, which will create an injection drug use epidemic,” Bluthenthal said. “We’ve seen the first two. Now…

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