Flushing Cannabis Plants: Guide for Optimal Yield and Aromas

To eliminate excess salts and enhance the smoking experience, it is recommended to flush cannabis plants with plain water. We explain flushing for different growing mediums, how to optimise your watering practices, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grower, this guide provides essential information about flushing your cannabis plants.

What does flushing mean?

Flushing cannabis has become a common practice during the final stages of a cannabis plant’s life cycle. When plants grow in soil, coco, or a hydroponic growing medium, providing water without nutrients during the last 7 to 14 days has many benefits. Flushing is essential to the growing process from legally licensed cultivation facilities to hobby growers!

Many believe that flushing your plants will not only wash away any undissolved salts that have accumulated inside the growing medium around the root zone but also cause weed plants to enter a catabolic state. In other words, they begin to feed on themselves, which gives the impression that the plants are using any internal reserve nutrition before being harvested.

When is the right time to flush weed plants?

A metal sprinkler flushing a cannabis plant growing outdoors

The optimal length of the flushing period is a…

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Welcome to the About Sensi Seeds section of the website. Here you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. Sensi Seeds has expanded over the last few decades to include sister companies devoted to industrial hemp, to educating the public on the true effects and potential of cannabis, and even to pure relaxation in beautiful surroundings. All branches of the company are founded on the same ethic: it’s not just about Sensi Seeds, it’s about the plant.

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