Aeroponic Cannabis: A Sustainable Cultivation Method

Cannabis growing out of thin air? That’s the idea behind aeroponics. This growing concept is becoming increasingly popular in industrial food production due to its environment-friendliness and excellent yields. Furthermore, when it comes to growing cannabis, aeroponic weed can be a fruitful and worthwhile endeavour.

What is aeroponics?

Aeroponics is a sophisticated way of growing plants without using soil as a medium. Instead, the plant roots hang in the air and get their nutrients by being regularly misted with a nutrient-rich solution. This cultivation method is closely inspired by hydroponics, where plants are grown in soilless mediums like coco coir and drenched in nutrient water. Aeroponics takes this further by eliminating any growing medium, subsequently letting the roots develop freely in a protected air container.

However, aeroponic cannabis cultivation is not without its challenges. What you need to succeed is the right equipment, commitment, and, of course, knowledge!

How does cultivating cannabis with aeroponics work?

In an aeroponic system, plants grow and undergo photosynthesis above a soilless medium, illuminated by grow lights. The planting bed covers the reservoir…

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About Sensi Seeds

Welcome to the About Sensi Seeds section of the website. Here you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. Sensi Seeds has expanded over the last few decades to include sister companies devoted to industrial hemp, to educating the public on the true effects and potential of cannabis, and even to pure relaxation in beautiful surroundings. All branches of the company are founded on the same ethic: it’s not just about Sensi Seeds, it’s about the plant.

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