Cannabis Entourage Medically Superior to CBD Alone

CBD is a remarkably medically potent component of marijuana. One of over 60 cannabinoids, CBD, short for ‘cannabidiol,‘ has dozens of medical uses, including anti-seizure, anti-inflammation, anti-anxiety, antioxidant, anti-tumor and as treatment for pain. But new research confirms what has long been thought: CBD in addition to other entourage cannabinoids like THC is far superior medically to pure CBD.
Cannabidiol does not produce the ‘high’ associated with THC, another medically useful cannabinoid. This lack of psychotropic effect from CBD is highly esteemed by researchers (and politicians), if not necessarily by the patient.

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Cannabis Oil: A Medical Marvel For Your Skin?

As medical and personal use of marijuana become increasingly legal, many new ways to intake cannabis are now available. In addition to inhaling smoke, people can benefit from the medical cannabinoids in cannabis by vaporizing, ingesting, and absorption via the skin.
Plant cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD,  are fat soluble and readily absorbed by the skin. These medicinal molecules may well be most perfectly administered, for many conditions, via topical products applied directly to the skin’s surface, such as cannabis-infused massage oil.

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