Sugar High: Colorado Girl Scouts Can Now Sell Cookies Outside Cannabis Dispensaries – News

Photo According to a scoop from the Cannabist, the GSA’s Colorado chapter has implemented a new policy allowing Scouts to sell outside of pot shops as they would at any grocery store or movie theater.

“(Potential cookie sales) sites are now all treated the same, and approval of those sites is contingent on whether they meet our guidelines and safety requirements,” Colorado Girl Scout spokeswoman Anne Marie Harper told the Cannabist. “

Like all Girl Scout Cookie sales locations, dispensary sales setups would have to be approved by the Girl Scouts of Colorado, but there no longer exists any ban on stands outside of “adult-oriented” businesses like pot dispensaries, liquor stores, and casinos.

Earlier this month, one impressive Scout sold over 300 boxes of sweets outside a local pot shop, using the dispensary’s

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