Strain Overview
The Scoop: A blunt weapon of peace, AK-47 is an energetic fusion of four strains transformed by the legendary cultivator – Simon from Serious Seeds. First popularized in the early 90s – AK-47, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the World Wide Web first elevated America’s collective IQ during the first Clinton administration.
The Result: Rapidly dispatching only aggression and physical discomfort, AK-47 provides a dynamically creative high.

AK-47 Marijuana Strain Review | Marijuana

Strain Overview

The Scoop: A blunt weapon of peace, AK-47 is an energetic fusion of four strains transformed by the legendary cultivator – Simon from Serious Seeds. First popularized in the early 90s – AK-47, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the World Wide Web first elevated America’s collective IQ during the first Clinton administration.

The Result: Rapidly dispatching only aggression and physical discomfort, AK-47 provides a dynamically creative high. A perfect strain for those who struggle with late-afternoon fatigue, daily depression or aching joints and muscles, AK-47 works wonders at firing up the creative juices while simultaneously snuffing out physical discomfort.

The Verdict: Regardless of its misleading, if not intimidating nomenclature – AK-47 is an overtly mellow Sativa. Still an uplifting strain, the initial effect provides an insightful and perceptive moment of relaxation.

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Strain Characteristics

Type: Sativa-Dominant Hybrid (65/35)

Also Known As: AK47

Genetics: South American (Colombian), Mexican, Thai, and Afghani

Origin: Netherlands

How Stoned Will You Get: 7.5

Average THC: Continue reading at

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