Disclaimer: Let me preface this whole article by saying I’m aware that one could argue it paints the picture of a lifestyle filled with extreme leisure. That argument would be correct, no shame here. I enthusiastically embrace technology to benefit my level of comfort whenever possible.

A Stoner’s Guide to Amazon Alexa

Disclaimer: Let me preface this whole article by saying I’m aware that one could argue it paints the picture of a lifestyle filled with extreme leisure. That argument would be correct, no shame here. I enthusiastically embrace technology to benefit my level of comfort whenever possible. So, to make it easy on everyone and not come off as a total loser to you Sativa aficionados of the world, here’s a selection of motivating articles about “running” and “being active” — if you’re into that sort of thing:

Ok, everyone, they’re gone.

Settle into your favorite spot on the couch that’s within shouting distance of your in-home CIA data collection device Amazon Alexa personal assistant. Make sure it’s plugged in and you have all your smoking necessities, including snacks, within arm’s reach. I’ll wait, go ahead — yes, grab the extra can of butane, there’s an Alexa skill that recommends Netflix offerings, so we may be here for a while.

Let’s start with a movie, shall we? I just smoked some Blueberry Afghan, so while I can’t seem to use my legs, my mind is racing faster than ever. I’m looking for a movie from my childhood that will take me…

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