Cannabinoids used in sequence with chemotherapy are a more effective treatment for cancer

Credit: St. George’s University of London

New research has confirmed that cannabinoids – the active chemicals in cannabis – are effective in killing leukaemia cells, particularly when used in combination with chemotherapy treatments.

Researchers also found that sequential use of an initial dose of chemotherapy first and then cannabinoids significantly improved overall results against the blood cancer cells. They found that combining existing chemotherapy treatments with cannabinoids had better results than chemotherapy alone, meaning that a similar level of effect could be achieved through using a lower dose of the chemotherapy. If this were translated to humans, this lower dose of chemotherapy would mean that the side-effects of chemotherapy could be lessened.

Dr Wai Liu led the study at St George’s, University of London, which was published in the International Journal of Oncology. He said: “We have shown for the first time…

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