Mexican lawmaker proposes warm beers to cool desire for a drink

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Time to crack open a cold one? Not so fast—a local Mexican lawmaker proposed a measure Thursday limiting the sale of cold beer to curb alcohol consumption, unbottling a wave of mainly mocking reactions online.

“If the beer isn’t refrigerated, you will be forced to bring it home, put it in the fridge and drink it at home,” explained Maria de Lourdes Paz, a member of Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s left-leaning Morena party.

The bill cited a study on addiction in Mexico that showed Mexico City, where Paz is a member of the local congress, has “the highest rate of youth alcohol consumption.”

Most young drinkers buy alcohol while out with friends, going to one of the many small shops in the mega-city that sell refrigerated drinks.

The bill proposes requiring such businesses to keep beverages with alcohol content higher than seven percent at “room temperature,” by storing them outside the refrigerator.


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