Since the transition from a medical marijuana to a recreational/adult-use marijuana laws in the state of Oregon, this has be a highly contested topic between activists, industry professionals, and State policy makers.We received this news from the governing authority of the recreational/adult-use marijuana program (the OLCC) just yesterday, and it goes into effect on Monday.

Oregon Growers Receive Canopy Bump for Medical Marijuana

Since the transition from a medical marijuana to a recreational/adult-use marijuana laws in the state of Oregon, this has be a highly contested topic between activists, industry professionals, and State policy makers.

We received this news from the governing authority of the recreational/adult-use marijuana program (the OLCC) just yesterday, and it goes into effect on Monday.  I imagine this is welcome news to many of the cannabis growers in Oregon.

From the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC):
OLCC Approves Medical Bump-Up Canopy for Marijuana ProducersEstablishes Sharing Framework between Producers and Patients
Portland, Oregon – The Oregon Liquor Control Commission today [April 28] approved rules allowing growers licensed in Oregon’s Recreational Marijuana Program to grow marijuana specifically for Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) cardholders. Under this “medical bump-up” arrangement recreational producers will be allowed to grow additional canopy above what is allowed in their OLCC license.

The new rules allow producers to enter into agreements with OMMP cardholders, however a medical cardholder can only have one assigned grower. Producers…

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About The Weed Blog

Since its inception, TWB has been based in activism and the mobilization and movements for marijuana policy reform happening around the country. It was created for one purpose: to facilitate a constructive conversation about marijuana in America. This includes both medical and recreational marijuana policy, as well as the marijuana industry and culture.

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