Texans back easing state restrictions on marijuana

The survey’s strongest calls for easing marijuana laws came on behalf of medicinal users. But recreational use is favored, too, in a wide sweep across generations, partisan divides, and racial and ethnic lines. Among all survey participants, 30% believed legalization of marijuana would keep people away from other drugs, while another 30% believed the opposite, that legalization would encourage more drug use – leaving 40% who predicted no effect at all. Credit: Pexels

Texans overwhelmingly support proposals to ease state restrictions on both the medical and recreational use of marijuana, with 82% supportive of legislation that would legalize marijuana for a wide range of medical treatments.

Two-thirds (67%) approve legalizing marijuana for recreational use by people 21 and older, while 81% say possession of small amounts of marijuana should be punishable only by citation and a fine, similar to a traffic ticket.

The Hobby School of Public Affairs at…

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