How Does Marijuana Affect Your Driving? – WeedSeedShop

A huge part of propaganda against marijuana use lately has been the topic of how it affects drivers. Although it’s a reasonable doubt to have in the legalization movement that’s happening around the globe, this myth has been busted. If you want to know how marijuana affects driving skills, keep reading this article.

Since marijuana legalization is increasing, the question has remained as to how cannabis use affects traffic and whether it leads to unsafe driving. Overall, the results of studies make it reasonably clear that marijuana does not impair driving nearly as badly as alcohol. However, that does not necessarily mean it’s safe to drive while stoned.

Investigating this question clears some misconceptions and puts some fears at bay as we continue on the journey of legalizing marijuana around the world.

Cannabis not as bad as alcohol

Research has suggested that in fact, the legalization of marijuana reduces the amount of traffic accidents. This is due to a reduction in the amount of people using alcohol on the roads. By deduction, this could mean that stoned drivers are less dangerous than drunk…

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