Fair Trade Cannabis – Part 3

In this third and final video of the Colombia series, Cannabis News Network explains the situation unfolding in the region of Cauca, where cannabis is being massively produced to prepare for the incoming legal medicinal cannabis legislation. Check out this ultimate episode that shows you what goes on behind the scenes of fair trade cannabis.

Fair Trade cannabis is hard to achieve for post-conflict Colombia

Colombia has opted for an all-medicinal version of legal cannabis. The cannabis meant to be sold to Colombian patients will be produced inside the country. Thus, it also represents a great opportunity for exportation.

The video shows how important it became for Colombian cannabis growers to ensure the end product will in fact be suitable for medicinal use. This is where cannabis associations and cannabis experts chime in. They have to determine which strains need to be grown, and explain to farmers the basics of cannabinoids in a medicinal context.

Massive cannabis companies are seeking to profit from the situation

Numerous cannabis-related companies that provide medicinal cannabis in other countries, such as the US, have inserted…

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Welcome to the About Sensi Seeds section of the website. Here you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. Sensi Seeds has expanded over the last few decades to include sister companies devoted to industrial hemp, to educating the public on the true effects and potential of cannabis, and even to pure relaxation in beautiful surroundings. All branches of the company are founded on the same ethic: it’s not just about Sensi Seeds, it’s about the plant.

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