Sexing Marijuana Plants- Cannabis Gender and Reproduction Guide

Are you growing marijuana at home, but you cannot tell the sex of your plants? Worry no more because, in this article, you will learn how to differentiate male and female marijuana plants. We know it is a bit more difficult to sex marijuana plants in their pre-flowering stages, although possible.

With this article, you will learn how to tell the sex of your marijuana plants when they are still young. You will also get to know the importance of sexing marijuana plants, how to treat them until you know their sex. Understanding cannabis gender and reproduction is vital for a good harvest.

Cannabis Plant Reproduction

Just like human beings, marijuana plants are dioecious. They have male and female plants, which contain both X and Y-chromosomes. Male plants contain the XY chromosomes combination, and the female plants contain the XX chromosomes. The males and females give a natural 50/50 split when they are reproducing.

Marijuana plants can also be hermaphroditic, where a single plant has both male and female genitalia, a pistil and stamen on one plant. The sex is not only determined by their genetic combination but also by environmental factors. This is why it is vital to know…

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