The Best 8 Diesel Strains to Try

If your local dispensaries are like mine, they probably stock some variation of Diesel: Sour Diesel, NY Sour Diesel, East Coast Diesel, East Coast Sour Diesel … you understand. There’s a lot of Diesel on these shelves. So much so that even if you’re an aficionado of the strain, you may not be able to keep up with its many crosses and phenotypes — especially considering the strain’s rambling, repetitive naming conventions.

What’s the difference between them? Here, genetics take a backseat, and stoner lore takes precedence.

The origin of Diesel strains

The origin story of Diesel places it at a Grateful Dead concert where two cannabis breeders named Chemdog and Joe had a peanut butter-meets-chocolate moment of smoking and reacting to each other’s buds. From there, the original buds were bred again, creating Diesel, slang for god-tier bud. Then it was cross-pollinated to Sour Diesel, and again to NYC Sour Diesel, and so on.

It’s supposedly dubbed “sour” — not for its aromatic contributions, but because only “sour” people smoked it, depending on who you ask. Whatever you call it, DieselSour Diesel, and NYC Diesel are all prolifically peppy parents and…

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