Gentleman Toker on Chong’s Choice Cannabis and DC Weed

SHANGO made my list of Vegas dispensaries to check out since they were also a cultivation center (meaning they grow the flowers there, too, as well as perform extraction and make their own edibles), but when I saw they had Chong’s Choice flowers on their extensive menu, my purchase was made for me. The Gentleman Toker gets to review weed personally endorsed by Tommy freakin Chong today! For serious, mister?

So Vegas is getting a lot of press right now, you probably heard about all the weed running out. It’s left me in a predicament, too, as I’m not sure how helpful my advice will be as far as dispensaries- since it’s gonna be sold at liquor stores or something- but the available products should still be the same (the cultivators aren’t separate). They’re also getting a lot of flak on DC social media about their pricing (don’t ask me why, probably cuz I went there).

When I was in town for the first few days of rec sales, I found good pricing all around. I mean, I got a lot. In SHANGO, they had “easy ounces” which were cheap- $199- available in a lot of different strains, and tiered pricing up from there. So, has it changed since I was in town?…

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About The Weed Blog

Since its inception, TWB has been based in activism and the mobilization and movements for marijuana policy reform happening around the country. It was created for one purpose: to facilitate a constructive conversation about marijuana in America. This includes both medical and recreational marijuana policy, as well as the marijuana industry and culture.

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