When Weed was… Weed! – Sensi Seeds Blog

For forty-five years now, Michka has witnessed with her own eyes the evolution of the cannabis world. Here, she shares with us her unique insights into the major transformations that shape it today.

One of the things I liked right away about weed, marijuana, was that it was obviously a plant – raw plant material.

It was I think back in 1972, not too far from Vancouver, the weed was being imported from Mexico and it was just a shapeless mass from which we had to remove what was unsmokable. First, we had to take out the biggest twigs and then break up the rest. The best way to get rid of the seeds was to spread the crumbled up weed on a rigid album cover and tilt it slightly as to make the seeds roll off. Seeds were abundant, and naturally, that’s how cannabis was first grown in North America.

First crops, first sinsemillas

I myself germinated those Mexican seeds and planted them with love in the soil of western Canada where I lived back then. The plants grew lush and fast, their long, thin leaves dancing under the…

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About Sensi Seeds

Welcome to the About Sensi Seeds section of the website. Here you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. Sensi Seeds has expanded over the last few decades to include sister companies devoted to industrial hemp, to educating the public on the true effects and potential of cannabis, and even to pure relaxation in beautiful surroundings. All branches of the company are founded on the same ethic: it’s not just about Sensi Seeds, it’s about the plant.