Lots of data, few to analyze and check it

Oregon marijuana: Lots of data, few to analyze and check it
In this Feb. 27, 2018, photo, Anthony Uribes processes a marijuana plant with an attached tracking label at Avitas marijuana production facility in Salem, Ore. The cannabis tracking system used by Avitas, a marijuana company with a production facility in Salem, is the backbone of Oregon’s regulatory system to ensure businesses with marijuana licenses obey the rules and don’t divert their product into the black market. (AP Photo/Andrew Selsky)

To the beat of electronic dance music, men and women inside a slate-gray building harvested marijuana plants festooned with radio-frequency identification tags. In another room, an employee entered the tag numbers into a government database.

The cannabis tracking system used by Avitas, a marijuana company with a production facility in Salem, is the backbone of Oregon’s regulatory system to ensure businesses with marijuana licenses obey the rules and don’t divert their…

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