Cloverleaf University Gives you Resources for Success in the Cannabis Industry

Cloverleaf University (CLU) is focused on providing a state-of-the-art educational platform for training government officials and agencies, local municipalities, investors, entrepreneurs, business owners, medical and legal professionals, management, in-house cannabis employees, cannabis industry workers, and occupational professionals, in all matters related to the emerging cannabis market. Our curriculum integrates best practice solutions for regulatory compliance requirements with attention to public health and consumer safety. CLU has launched various research and development projects concerning cannabis, and strives to raise awareness around the potential it has to benefit society through patient and consumer education, and creating a knowledgeable industry and workforce.

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About The Weed Blog

Since its inception, TWB has been based in activism and the mobilization and movements for marijuana policy reform happening around the country. It was created for one purpose: to facilitate a constructive conversation about marijuana in America. This includes both medical and recreational marijuana policy, as well as the marijuana industry and culture.