operated in two categories: Type 2 licenses, which allow growth"/> 10 Companies Control Nearly 30% of California’s “Small Farm” Cannabis Cultivation Licenses - News - Indopedia

10 Companies Control Nearly 30% of California’s “Small Farm” Cannabis Cultivation Licenses – News

Calgrowersassociation.org/licenses”>operated in two categories: Type 2 licenses, which allow growth on about a quarter of an acre of land, and Type 3 licenses, which allow growth on a plot up to one acre. Larger grows, or Type 5 licenses, will not be awarded until 2023, a moratorium specifically set up to help small businesses flourish before Big Agriculture and “green rushers” have the opportunity to swallow the industry whole.

According to a

In the CGA lawsuit, small growers argue that these license-stacking businesses will eventually corner the market with mass-produced cannabis. As regulators begin to anticipate a supply chain bottleneck in the coming months, Moore and his peers with piles of licenses attest that they are simply trying to build their brands as much as possible to help themselves and consumers.

The California rule delaying Type 5 growing licenses for large farms was meant to encourage stability among the state’s cannabis community, on top of protecting the cottage industry, but the license stacking gambit has led to animosity and in-fighting among local growers.

“I have a lot of admiration and respect for these guys trying to help small farms navigate these changing laws,” Moore said. “we’re being portrayed as ‘Big Ag,’ and that’s just not the case We’re a single-family-owned company. “

The CGA lawsuit is currently awaiting trial in the Sacramento County Superior Court.

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