Canada Could Boost Tourism with Cannabis Hotels

The government’s proposal would also give small business owners of pot shops more flexibility to expand into a chain and earn more capital. The owner of the Hotbox Café vaping lounge, Abi Roach, says that if the ban was lifted, she would like to open more lounges for cannabis vaping. To alleviate safety concerns, the Hotbox has all smoking confined to an outdoor patio, and Roach is helping to design a cannabis room at a Toronto hotel. If more cannabis lounges come to fruition, smoking will be most likely be permitted outside in designated areas or open spaces.

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About The Weed Blog

Since its inception, TWB has been based in activism and the mobilization and movements for marijuana policy reform happening around the country. It was created for one purpose: to facilitate a constructive conversation about marijuana in America. This includes both medical and recreational marijuana policy, as well as the marijuana industry and culture.